Publications (13)

Antioxidant potential, toxicity, and effect of Calotropis procera extract on milk production in Wistar rats

DOUKOURE Maya, TINDANO Basile, DA F. Léonard, ZABRE Géneviève, BAYALA Balé, BELEMTOUGRI G. Raymond

Effects of Sarcocephalus latifolius Fruits Extract on Paracetamol-Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats

Filkpièrè Léonard Da, Basile Tindano, Géneviève Zabre, Karim Sakira, Balé Bayala, Raymond G. Belemtougri, Philippe Horlait

Phytochemical composition and toxicity study of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Vernonia colorata (Willd.) Drake in Wistar rats

SAWADOGO Paténéma, SAWADOGO Touwindséda Aimée, DA Filkpièrè Léonard, TINDANO Basile, OUEDRAOGO Youssoufou, BELEMTOUGRI Gourounga Raymond