Publications (19)

First report of Pepper yellow vein Mali virus associated with pepper yellow vein disease in Cote d’Ivoire

K. Séka, A. Ouattara, K.P. Assiri, K.D. Kra, M. Hoareau, P. Lefeuvre, H. Atta Diallo, J.M. Lett

New strains of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus discovered on diseased papaya and tomato plants in Burkina Faso

Alassane Ouattara, Fidèle Tiendrébéogo, Pierre Lefeuvre, Murielle Hoareau, Sohini Claverie, Edgar Valentin Traoré, Nicolas Barro, Oumar Traoré, Arvind Varsani, Jean-Michel Lett

Tomato chlorotic mottle Guyane virus: a novel tomato-infecting bipartite begomovirus from French Guiana

Jean-Michel Lett, Alexandre De Bruyn, Murielle Hoareau, Alassane Ouattara, Sohini Claverie, Anne Dalmon, Damien Laplace, Pierre Lefeuvre, Bruno Hostachy