Publications (76)

Comparison of chemical composition of fruit pulp of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth from differents ecoregions

Dao Aboubacar Sidiki , Parkouda Charles , Traoré MA Esther , Aimée WDB Guissou , Barbara Vinceti , Céline Termote , Mattia Manica and Bassolé Imael Henri Nestor

Concentrations and Health Risk Assessment of Metallic Trace Elements in Ready-to-Eat Braised and Flamed Chickens in Burkina Faso

Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié & Adjima Bougma & Aminata Séré & Judicaël Thomas Ouilly & Elie Kabré & Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan & Marie-Louise Scippo & Aly Savadogo & Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé

Liver retinol estimated by 13C-retinol isotope dilution at 7 versus 14 days in Burkinabe schoolchildren

Jean F Bationo , Augustin N Zeba , Nadine D Coulibaly , Jesse Sheftel , Christopher R Davis , Imael HN Bassole , Nicolas Barro , Jean B Ouedraogo and Sherry A Tanumihardjo

Serum Carotenoids Reveal Poor Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Schoolchildren in Burkina Faso

Jean Fidèle Bationo , Augustin N. Zeba , Souheila Abbeddou , Nadine D. Coulibaly , Olivier O. Sombier , Jesse Sheftel , Imael Henri Nestor Bassole , Nicolas Barro , Jean Bosco Ouedraogo and Sherry A. Tanumihardjo