Publications (11)

Review on parameters influencing the efficiency of the dual-medium thermocline storage system

Bowendkuni Armand Korsaga, Jacques Nébié, Boubou Bagré, Abdoulaye Kaboré, Iliyassé Konkobo, Tere Dabilgou, Bernard Nana, Tizane Daho & Antoine Béré

Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Operation of a SolarbAdsorption Refrigerator under Sahelian Climatic Conditions: Case of Burkina Faso

Guy Christian Tubreoumya, Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo , Alfred Bayala , Téré Dabilgou, Belkacem Zeghmati , Alfa Oumar Dissa and Antoine Bere

Search for Qualified Soil for the Production of Low-Energy Biobased Composite Materials

Sandwidi Sayouba, Haro Kayaba, Dabilgou Téré, Sinon Souleymane, Sanogo Oumar, Koulidiati Jean and Bere Antoine