Publications (92)

Intra-Seasonal and Annual Variation of Aerosols and Their Radiative Impact in the Sahelian Zone of Burkina Faso

Bado Nébon, Mamadou Simina Dramé, Saidou Moustapha Sall, Korgo Bruno, Demba Ndao Niang, Kieno P. Florent, Bathiebo Dieudonné Joseph

Designing an Energy Efficient Building in a Context of Helping Self-Build

Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Ousmane Coulibaly, Kossi BoutoImbga, Ouamnoaga Alain Gilbert Koala, Abdoulaye Ouédraogo, Florent Pèlèga Kieno and Diendonné Joseph Bathiebo

Performance Investigation of a Silicon Photovoltaic Module under the Influence of a Magnetic Field

Dioari Ulrich Combari, Emmanuel Wendsongré Ramde, Idrissa Sourabie, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo, and Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo

Optical and microphysical analysis of aerosols in Sahelian Zone: Case of the Ouagadougou City in Burkina Faso

Bado Nébon, Mamadou Simina Dramé, Korgo Bruno, Kieno P. Florent, Saidou Moustapha Sall and Bathiebo Dieudonné Joseph