Sorghum and cowpea intercropping response to woody residue amendments in Sahelian agro-ecosystems of Burkina FasoDaouda Guebre, Salifou Traore, Koulibi Fidele Zongo, Edmond HienEfficience des amendements ligneux dans la conservation des sols et la production du sorgho en zone soudano-sahélienne du Burkina FasoDaouda GUEBRE, Salifou TRAORE, Mamoudou TRAORE , Boussa Tockville MARE, Edmond HIENEffects of Agro-Ecological Practices on the Productivity of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) and Soil Fertility in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Burkina FasoKoulibi Fidèle Zongo, Aboubacar Coulibaly, Daouda Guebre3, Aïssatou Naba, Hervé Nandkangre, Abdramane Sanon, Edmond HienImprovement of Bambara Groundnut Productivity using Organic Manure Fertilization Doses on Plinthite Soil in sub-Saharan Agrosystem of Burkina FasoZongo, K.F., Nandkangre, H., Sanon, A., Gouba, M., Guebre, D., Kambou, D.J., Ouoba, A., Hien, E. and Ouedraogo, M. |