Publications (16)

Molecular screening of bacteriocin-producing Bacillus spp. isolated from Soumbala, a fermented food condiment from Parkia biglobosa seeds

53. Yérobessor Dabiré, Namwin SiourimèSomda , Clarisse S. Compaoré, Iliassou Mogmenga, Marius K. Somda, Aboubakar S. Ouattara, Mamoudou H. DICKO

Production technique, safety and quality of soumbala, a local food condiment sold and consumed in Burkina Faso

72. Yérobessor Dabiré, Iliassou Mogmenga, Marius K. Somda, Jerry O. Ugwuanyi, Lewis I. Ezeogu, Mamoudou H. DICKO and Alfred S. Traoré

Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Lantana camara Linn leaves essential oil from Burkina Faso

Semdé Zénabou, Koudou Jean, Figueredo Gilles, Zongo Cheikna, Somda K. Marius, Sawadogo/Lingani Hagrétou and Traoré S. Alfred