Publications (36)

Estimates of Genetic Variability in a Collection of Amaranths (Amaranthus ssp) Cultivated in Burkina Faso

Ouedraogo Jacques, Kiebre Zakaria, Sawadogo Pingawinde, Kabre Vonogo Nikodeme, Kiebre Mariam and Bationo Kando Pauline

Genetic Relationship between Sweet Grain Sorghum and the Other Sorghum Types Cultivated in Burkina Faso Assessed with Nuclear Microsatellite Markers SSRs

Josiane Tiendrebéogo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Mariam Kiébré, Zakaria Kiébré, Sévérin Tuina, Tégawendé Alphonse Sawadogo, Kiswendsida Romaric Nanema, Renan Ernest Traoré, Mahamadi Hamed Ouédraogo, Mahamadou Sawadogo

Caractérisation moléculaire d'une collection de pourghère (Jatropha curcas L.) du Burkina Faso à l'aide de marqueurs microsatellites

Kouka Fidèle Tiendrébéogo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Mahamadi Hamed Ouédraogo, Zakaria Kiébré, Romaric Kiswendsida Nanema2, Razacswendé Fanta Ouédraogo, Wend-Pagnangdé Marie Serge Félicien Zida, Teyoure Benoit Joseph Batieno, Ernest Renan Traoré, Pauline Bationo/Kando, Mahamadou Sawadogo

Agronomic Performances and Nutritional Value of C. olitorius in Burkina Faso

Kiébré Mariam, Sawadogo Nerbewende, Kiebre Zakaria, Sawadogo Boureima, Sawadogo Zakaridja, Sawadogo Mahamadou, Bationo-Kando Pauline1

Identification and Agronomic Performance of Species of the Genus Amaranthus Grown in Burkina Faso

Ouedraogo Jacques*, Kiebre Mariam, Kabore Boukare, Sawadogo Boureima, Kiebre Zakaria, Bationo Kando Pauline