Publications (51)

No correlation between the variants of exostosin 2 gene and type 2 diabetes in Burkina Faso population.

Ouedraogo SY, Tchelougou D, Kologo JK, Sombie HK, Zeye MMJ, Compaore RT, Ouattara AK, Sorgho AP, Obiri-Yeboah D, Soubeiga ST, Nagabila I, Yonli AT, Djigma FW, Simpore J.

Characteristics of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection With Genotype E Predominance in Burkina Faso.

Wongjarupong N, Yonli AT, Nagalo BM, Djigma FW, Somda SK, Hassan MA, Mohamed EA, Sorgho AP, Compaore TR, Soubeiga ST, Kiendrebeogo I, Sanou M, Diarra B, Yang HI, Chen CJ, Ouattara AK, Zohoncon TM, Martinson JJ, Buetow K, Chamcheu JC, Antwi SO, Borad MJ, Simpore J, Roberts LR.

Polymorphism of MMP1 and MMP3 promoter regions and HR-HPV infection in women from Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire

Bado P, Djigma Wendkuuni F, Zohoncon Théodora M, Obiri-Yeboah D, Traoré Esther Mah A, Ouattara Abdoul K, Ouedraogo Teega-Wendé C, Bello Shoukrat Ohuwa T, Setor Marius A, Traore Ina Marie A, Horo A, Kouakou Kouame P, Yonli Albert T, Ouedraogo C, Simpore J.