Publications (12)

Bats diversity and abundance, record of Taphozous mauritianus E. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1818 for the first time in Burkina Faso

Noel Gabiliga THIOMBIANO, Magloire BOUNGOU, Napoko Malika KANGOYÉ, Prince Kiswele KALEME, Yamba SINARE, Patricia SOUBEIGA, Jean De Dieu SAWADOGO, Adama OUÉDA and Gustave Boureima KABRE

Digenetic trematodes dependent on fish of Burkina Faso

Magloire Boungou , Yamba Sinaré , Victor Mamonekene, Mohamed Bagayan, Gustave B. Kabré

Inventory of bat (Scotophilus leucogaster, Cretzschmar 1826) ectoparasites of savannah area in Burkina Faso

Noel Gabiliga THIOMBIANO, Magloire BOUNGOU, Napoko Malika KANGOYE, Thérèse KAGONE, Amadou DICHO, Gustave B. KABRE