Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphic solutions of class r in α-norm under the light of measure theoryDJENDODE MBAINADJI AND ISSA ZABSONRELocal existence and regularity of solutions for some second order differential equation with infinite delayMICAILOU NAPO, MOHAMADO KIEMA, AND ISSA ZABSONRESquare-mean pseudo almost automorphic solutions of infinite class under the light of measure theoryISSA ZABSONRE AND MOHAMADO KIEMAPseudo-almost Periodic Solutions of Class r in the .alpha-Norm Under the Light of Measure TheoryIssa Zabsonre, Abdel Hamid Gamal Nsangou, Moussa El-KhalilL Kpoumiè, and Salifou MboutngamStepanov-Like Pseudo Almost Periodic Solutions of Class r in alpla-Norm under the Light of Measure TheoryIssa Zabsonre, Abdel Hamid Gamal Nsangou, Moussa El-Khalil Kpoumie and Salifou Mboutngam |