Publications (28)

Optimization of the air gap thickness for the insulation of double-walled walls of a building

Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Ousmane Coulibaly, Boureima Kaboré, Kossi B. Imbga and Abdoulaye Ouédraogo ;

Potentials of an Eco-Friendly Composite in Hot-Dry Climate

Fati Zoma, David Y.K. Toguyeni, Ousmane Coulibaly, Ivon Hassel and Abdoulaye Ouedraogo

Experimental analysis of the operation of a solar adsorption refrigerator under Sahelian climatic conditions: case of Burkina Faso

Guy Christian Tubreoumya , Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo , Ousmane Coulibaly , Issoufou Ouarma ,Kayaba Haro , Charles Didace Konseibo 3 , Alfa Oumar Dissa , Belkacem Zeghmati