Quercetin potentiates insulin secretion and protects INS-1 pancreatic b-cells against oxidative damage via the ERK1/2 pathwayE Youl, G Bardy, R Magous, G Cros, F Sejalon, A Virsolvy, S Richard, JF Quignard, R Gross, P Petit, D Bataille and C OiryPreventive effect on superoxide anion production of four winephenolics molecules administered with a moderate dose in a metabolic syndrome murine model.J. Azay-Milhau, E. Youl, T. Sutra, C. Oiry, M. Moréna, J. L. Bessone, R. Magous, J. P. Cristol, G. Cros, P. L. TeissèdrePrévalence du déficit en Glucose-6-Phosphate Déshydrogénase (G6PD) et de la Drépanocytose chez les nouveau-nés à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)E. Kafando, M. Sawadogo, E. Youl, E. Kabré, E. Nacoulma |