Publications renseignées(8)

The Ethnobotanical Investigation, Phytochemistry and Antioxidant Activity of a Medicinal Plant Recipe Directed against Candida albicans and Enterobacteria Stains Producing ESBL CTX-M-15 Type in Burkina Faso

TRAORE Bibata, BANGOU Mindiédiba Jean, ZONGO Koudbi Jacob, SOMBIE Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby, TRAORE Loé Victor, OUOBA Yempabou Hermann, OUEDRAOGO Georges Anicet

Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants for Diabetes and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn., Chrysanthellum americanum (L.) Vatke. and Striga hermonthica (Delile) Benth. of Burkina Faso

SEGDA Abdoulaye, MEDA Roland Nag-Tiero, BANGOU Mindiediba Jean, KOAMA Benjamin Kouliga, OUOBA Hermann Yempabou, KAGAMBEGA Windmi, KAM Sami Eric, OUEDRAOGO Georges Anicet

Ethnobotanical survey on Medicinal Plants used in the treatment of tumors in two cities of Burkina Faso: Phytochemistry and Antioxidant activities

OUOBA Béboila, SESSOUMA Bintou, BANGOU Mindiédiba Jean, THIOMBIANO Mindiempo Hyacinthe, LEMA Amandine, SAWADOGO Mamadou, NACOULMA Aminata P, OUOBA Hermann Yempabou, OUEDRAOGO Georges Anicet