Publications renseignées(34)

Comparative Study of the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Foamed Concrete with Local Materials

Adelaïde Lareba Ouédraogo, Sayouba Kabré, Etienne Malbila, Abdoulaye Compaoré, Ramatou Saré, Paul Ilboudo, Sié Kam, Bruno Korgo, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo, Florent P. Kieno, Philippe Blanchard.

Evolution of the Average Temperature of the Interior Atmosphere of a Habitable Cell Made of Foamed Concrete in Burkina Faso

Adelaïde Lareba Ouédraogo, Etienne Malbila, Dieudonné Dabilgou, Fati Oumarou Amadou, Souleymane Ouédraogo, Salifou Ouédraogo, Adamah Messan, Sié Kam, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo, Florent Pèlèga Kiéno and Philippe Blanchart

Simulation and Experimentation of Water Heating in a Metal Tube Placed in a Solar Collector

Boureima Kaboré, Germain Wende Pouiré Ouedraogo , Boukaré Ouedraogo, Salia Drabo, Sié Kam, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo