Publications renseignées(14)

Effect of mineral fertilizer combinations on physiological and agronomic performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Burkina Faso

Badoua Badiel, Rasmata Nana, Razacswende Fanta Ouedraogo, Pascal Adama Kihindo, Edmond Dondasse, Et Zoumbiesse Tamini

Screening of widely used accessions of tomato for resistance / tolerance to the Pepper yellow vein Mali virus in the central region of Burkina Faso

Ouattara Alassane, Kaboré Inoussa, Zombré Cyrille, Sogoba Kouka Hamidou, Badiel Badoua, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Nana Tounwendsida Abel, Koïta Kadidia, Traoré Oumar