Publications renseignées(4)

A novel tetra-primer ARMS-PCR approach for the molecular karyotyping of chromosomal inversion 2Ru in the main malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii.

Pichler V, Sanou A, Love RR, Caputo B, Pombi M, Toe KH, Guelbeogo MW, Sagnon N, Ferguson HM, Ranson H, Torre AD, Besansky NJ.

Assessing the variability in experimental hut trials evaluating insecticide-treated nets against malaria vectors

Challenger, J. D., Nash, R. K., Ngufor, C., Sanou, A., Toe, K. H., Moore, S., Tungu, P. K., Rowland, M., Foster, G. M., N'guessan, R., Sherrard-Smith, E. & Churcher, T. S.

Impact of Aedes aegypti breeding containers physicochemical parameters on their productivity and adult mosquito body size in Ouagadougou City, Burkina Faso

Ouédraogo , W.M, Toé, K.H., Sombié, A. , Viana, M. , Bougouma, C. , Sanon, A , Weetman, D. , McCall, P.J, Kanuka, H., Badolo, A.

Toé, H. K., Zongo, S., Guelbeogo, M. W., Kamgang, B., Viana, M., Tapsoba, M., Sanou, A., Traoré, A., McCall, P. J., & Sagnon,

Toé, H. K., Zongo, S., Guelbeogo, M. W., Kamgang, B., Viana, M., Tapsoba, M., Sanou, A., Traoré, A., McCall, P. J., & Sagnon,