Publications renseignées(19)

Effect of Sorghum bicolor mycorrhizae on development of tomato in nursery

Sogoba Hamidou, Ouattara Alassane, Nana Tounwendsida Abel, Nabelo Sarata, Koïta Kadidia

Biocontrol of rust and leaf spots diseases of peanut using culture filtrates of Akanthomyces lecanii in natural conditions in Burkina Faso

Nana Tounwendsida Abel, Ouattara Alassane, Sogoba Kouka Hamidou, Somda Bèpiougninè Bienvenu, Sirima Adama, Neya Bawomon Fidèle

Pathogenic Characterization of Three Fusarium Species Associated With Onion (Allium Cepa L.) in Burkina Faso

Sogoba K. Hamidou, Koita Kadidia, Ouattara Alassane, Sana Mohamed, Kassankogno A. Itolou, Sawadogo Harouna, Campa Claudine