Publications renseignées(30)

Community perspectives on family planning service quality among users and non-users: a qualitative study from two cities in Burkina Faso

Fiacre Bazié, Ilene S. Speizer, Sarah Castle, Kindo Boukary, Amelia Maytan Joneydi, Lisa M. Calhoun, Yentéma Onadja and Georges Guiella

Intersection of reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence: cross-sectional influences on women’s contraceptive use in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya

Shannon N Wood, Haley L Thomas, Mary Thiongo, Georges Guiella, Fiacre Bazie, Yentéma Onadja, Rosine Mosso, Raimi Fassassi, Peter Gichangi, Michele R Decker

Autonomie décisionnelle des femmes en âge de procréer et utilisation de la contraception moderne au Burkina Faso

Yentéma Onadja, Sawadogo P. Maurice, Moussa Lonkila Zan, Dalomi Bahan, Adama Tiendrebeaogo