Publications renseignées(11)

Review on parameters influencing the efficiency of the dual-medium thermocline storage system

Bowendkuni Armand Korsaga, Jacques Nébié, Boubou Bagré, Abdoulaye Kaboré, Iliyassé Konkobo, Tere Dabilgou, Bernard Nana, Tizane Daho & Antoine Béré

Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Operation of a SolarbAdsorption Refrigerator under Sahelian Climatic Conditions: Case of Burkina Faso

Guy Christian Tubreoumya, Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo , Alfred Bayala , Téré Dabilgou, Belkacem Zeghmati , Alfa Oumar Dissa and Antoine Bere

Search for Qualified Soil for the Production of Low-Energy Biobased Composite Materials

Sandwidi Sayouba, Haro Kayaba, Dabilgou Téré, Sinon Souleymane, Sanogo Oumar, Koulidiati Jean and Bere Antoine

Influence de la température ambiante, de l’angle et du rayon initial sur la phase vapeur lors de l’évaporation d’une goutte stagnante d’heptane en convection naturelle.

DABILGOU Téré, SANDWIDI Sayouba, BAGRE Boubou, KAM Sié Zacharie, DGHEIM Joseph, ZEGHMATI Belckachem, KOULIDIATI Jean, BERE Antoine, SANOGO Oumar