Publications renseignées(92)

Analysis of the Single-Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) Module Performances Under Low γ-Radiation from Radioactive Source

Adama Ouedraogo, Ladifata Mogmenga, Nébon Bado, Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice Ky & Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo

Study of Aerosol Impact on the Solar Potential Available in Burkina Faso, West Africa

Bado Nébon, Mamadou Simina Dramé, Korgo Bruno, Guengane Hassime, Demba Ndao Niang, Saidou Moustapha Sall, Kieno P. Florent, Bathiebo Dieudonné Joseph

Financial Analysis of Photovoltaic Installations in Burkina Faso

Ladifata Mogmenga, Bouchaib Hartiti, Amadou Diallo, Adama Ouedraogo, Nébon Bado, S. Fadili, A. Lfakir, P. Thevenin and Joseph Dieudonné Bathiebo