Publications renseignées(48)

Modelling past and future land use and land cover dynamics in the Nakambe River Basin, West Africa

Gnibga Issoufou Yangouliba, Benewindé Jean‑Bosco Zoungrana, Kwame Oppong Hackman, Hagen Koch, Stefan Liersch4, Luc Ollivier Sintondji, Jean‑Marie Dipama, Daniel Kwawuvi, Valentin Ouedraogo, Sadraki Yabré, Benjamin Bonkoungou, Madou Sougué, Aliou Gadiaga, Bérenger Koffi

Impacts of hydro-climatic trends and upstream water management on hydropower generation at the Bagré dam

Gnibga Issoufou Yangouliba, Hagen Kochb, Stefan Lierschb, Luc Ollivier Sintondjic, Moussa Sidibéd, Isaac Larbie, Andrew Manoba Limantole, Yacouba Yiraf , Jean-Marie Dipama, Daniel Kwawuvi