Publications renseignées(10)

Determination of the radical-scavenging activities and identification of anthocyanins from Hexalobus monopetalus ripe fruits

Arrounan Noba, Adama Hema, Elie Kabré, Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Paulin Ouôba, Constantin M. Dabiré, Remy K. Bationo, Moumouni Koala, Eloi Palé, Mouhoussine Nacro

HPLC-MS identification of three major flavonoids in the textile dye extractfrom dried leaves of Anogeissus leiocarpus

1) Benjamin Bazie, Adama Hema, Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Elie Kabré, Eloi Palé, Pierre Duez, Mouhoussine Nacro

Characterization of carotenoids by using 𝑯𝑷𝑻𝑳𝑪 − 𝑴𝑺𝟐 and evaluation of total antioxidant contents in Cymbopogon giganteus extracts from Burkina Faso

6) Remy K. Bationo, Constantin M. Dabiré, Adama Hema, Moumouni Koala, Rosella Spina, Roger H. Ch. Nébié, Eloi Palé and Dominique Laurain-Mattar