Publications renseignées(10)

Performance Optimization Study of an Adsorption Solar Refrigerator System with Special Reference to the Effect of the Collector-Adsorber Tilt Angle

Guy Christian Tubreoumya, Téré Dabilgou, Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo, Jacques Nebié, Boubou Bagré, Belkacem Zeghmati, Alfa Oumar Dissa, Jean Koulidiati, Antoine Bere

Modelisation des paramètres de fonctionnement d’un cuiseur solaire de type boîte sous les conditions météorologiques du Burkina Faso

Nebie, T. Daho, G.C. Tubreoumya, S. Zongo, B. Zeghmati, X. Chesnau, A. O. Dissa, S. Z. Kam, A. Bere;

Experimental analysis of the operation of a solar adsorption refrigerator under Sahelian climatic conditions: case of Burkina Faso

Guy Christian Tubreoumya , Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo , Ousmane Coulibaly , Issoufou Ouarma ,Kayaba Haro , Charles Didace Konseibo 3 , Alfa Oumar Dissa , Belkacem Zeghmati

Experimental characterisation and modelling of thin layer solar drying of amelie and brooks mangoes

A. O. Dissa, J. D. Bathiebo, H. Desmorieux, O. Coulibaly; J. Koulidiati