Publications renseignées(64)

Profil lipidique, hémorheologique et risque cardio-vasculaire des sujets drépanocytaires homozygotes et porteurs du trait drépanocytaire sénégalais

Valentin OUEDRAOGO1, Arnaud Jean Florent TIENDREBEOGO2, Salam SAWADOGO3, Wendsèndaté Yves SEMPORE4, Rakiswendé Alexis OUEDRAOGO2, Abdoul Rahamane CISSE5, Mor DIAW6, Abdoul Khadir SOW6, Salimata Houndjo DIAGNE6, NAfi OUEDRAOGO4, Abdoulaye SAMB6 et Abdoulaye BA

Feasibility and performance of in-house red blood cell reagents to detect unexpected antibodies in immunized patients in Burkina Faso.

Sawadogo Salam, Nebie Koumpingnin, Kima Donatien, Ouedraogo SKA, Naon Prisca A, Koulidiati Jerôme, Traore Catherine, Sawadogo Salifo, Kafando Eleonore, Deneys Veronique.

Feasibility and performance of in-house red blood cell reagents to detect unexpected antibodies in immunized patients in Burkina Faso

S. Sawadogo, K. Nebie, D. Kima, S.K.A. Ouedraogo, P.A. Nagnon, J. Koulidiati, C. Traore, S. Sawadogo, E. Kafando, and V. Deneys

Extended red blood cell antigens and phenotypes in Burkina Faso: potential issues to design local population-sourced red blood cell reagent panels

Sawadogo Salam, Nebie Koumpingnin, Ouedraogo SKA, Traore Catherine, Koulidiati Jerôme, Nikiema-Miningou Myriam, Koala Natacha G, Kafando Eleonore et Deneys Veronique.

Establishment of reference values for prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen in adults in Burkina Faso

Koumpingnin Nebie, Salam Sawadogo, Catherine Traore, Jerome Koulidiati, Donatien Kima, Florence Alida Wendyam Ouedraogo, Myriam Wendkuni Nikiema/ Minoungou, Salifo Sawadogo, Awa Oumar Toure, Eleonore Kafando