Publications renseignées(22)

Etat des lieux de la télé expertise mobile en cancérologie au Burkina Faso

Augustin Tozoula Bambara, Nina-Astrid Ouédraogo, Maïmouna Agara, Maaré Fidélius Millogo, Fayçal Akanni, Alice Cynthia Sama

Factors Limiting the Screening of Precancerous Cervical Lesions of Women of Reproductive Age in the Nongr-Masson Health District, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Augustin Tozoula Bambara, Assita Ouedraogo-Balima, Arzouma Hermann Pilabre, Jean Baptiste Galbane, Lassane Balima and Ousmane Dao

Attentes du patient atteint de cancer vis-à-vis de son aidant principal au Burkina Faso

A.T. Bambara · A.J.K. Nébié · A.C. Sama · F. Akanni · R. Sombié

Evaluation of CT Scans Reports in Pancreatic Tumors at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

Ouedraogo Nina-Astrid, Bambara Augustin Tozoula, Louguet Alimata, Tall Mohamed, Kambou Tiemtore Benilde Marie Ange, Diallo Ousseini, Cisse Rabiou

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Nurses and Midwives Relating to the Symptoms Suggestive of Breast Cancer in Ouagadougou

Augustin Tozoula Bambara, Okobalemba Etienne Atenguena , Se Christiane Zougouri, Alice Cynthia Sama, Faycal Akanni